Bulk Carrier

  • [Bulk Carrier] How To Clean The Cargo Hold of A Bulk Carrier


    In determining the level of cleanliness that needs to be met for the next cargo to be loaded in a cargo hold, the International Maritime Solid Bulk Cargoes Code (IMSBC) cargo hold cleanliness requirements for the specific type of cargo to be loaded must be taken into account.Many cargoes are specifi
  • [Bulk Carrier] The importance of bulk carriers in maritime transportation


    Nowadays, in the continuous development of global trade, sea transportation, as an important mode of transportation, has always been attracting much attention. Among the many types of ships, bulk carriers play a pivotal role in global trade with their unique features and advantages.
  • [Bulk Carrier] Repair And Maintenance of Bulk Carriers


    Bulk carrier are important means of transportation, and in order to ensure normal operation and prolong service life, repair and maintenance work becomes crucial. In this paper, we will discuss the operating procedures for the repair and maintenance of bulk carriers, so as to guide the repair and ma
  • [Bulk Carrier] Hazards on Board Bulk Carriers


    The marine industry is an essential link in international trade, with ocean-going vessels representing the most efficient and often the only method of transporting large volumes of basic commodities and finished products.Bulk carriers play a major role in the global economy. Dry bulk cargoes cover a
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