


  • Bulk carrier are ships used to carry unpackaged bulk cargoes such as coal, ore, timber, livestock, grain, etc. Structurally, bulk carriers are divided into single-hulled bulk carriers and double-hulled bulk carriers. A major feature of the bulk carrier is that the ship's cargo hold has a tall hatch
  • With the rise of fuel prices and the increase of offshore support vessels' marine operations, the proportion of ship fuel costs in the operating costs is getting higher and higher. The ship characteristics of offshore support vessels and the special nature of their operational tasks determine that t
  • Bulk system of offshore support vessel is characterized by high risk, high investment and high technology content, and once there is any problem, the inability to supply bulk materials to offshore facilities in time will lead to the delay of the construction period, so the normal operation of the bu
  • Oil fires are actually combustion of gases volatilized from oil. The extinguishing agents, fire-fighting apparatus and fixed fire-fighting systems used on oil tanker must be tailored to the characteristics of oil tanker fires.
  • rough shaped transverse bulkheads are commonly used on bulk carrier. The groove bars of the corrugated bulkhead are along the depth direction of the ship, which means the groove is upright. If the cargo hold is filled with loose cargo, such as coal, mineral sand, bulk fertilizers, and other smaller
  • oil tanker are ships specialized in carrying bulk liquids, and the cargoes mainly refer to the transportation of bulk crude oil and petroleum products with flash points of 60°C and below. According to IEC-60092-502, ships transporting oil products with flash point below 60°C have higher danger, and
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